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US Map with Abbreviations | Map of US State Abbreviations

Are you looking for a US Map with Abbreviations then we have got the full list marked on the map with the state’s geographical locations. Abbreviations are short forms of words that are used in various situations generally when you can not spell the full name. Usually, an abbreviation of a state name is used when it is mentioned in a tabular matter, mailing addresses, or in bibliographies.

The state abbreviations are mostly two letters and both are written in capital form. We represent you with the full list of state abbreviations of all the 50 states of the country of the United States of America. You can either learn all of them from here, or you can save them to yourself by downloading the map of the USA with state abbreviations

US Map with Abbreviations

us abbreviations map


The abbreviations are written on the geographical location of the state which makes it easier for you to understand which state is it. Knowing abbreviations of the states makes it easy for you to locate them in postal codes. It will be easier for you to spell them which will save you time with the help of us map with abbreviations and state names.


us map with abbreviations


It is also useful if you are sending emails to a particular state. It will also save some extra space in your letter if the spelling of the name is too long, and you can read it faster. These are the small things that can make big difference. For the students of geography, it can be a question for you to know all the abbreviations of the states.

Map of the USA with state abbreviations

usa map with abbreviations


And now you know them because you have learned them from here. Revising a list is not convenient as it can confuse the student more. These USA map abbreviations, where the abbreviations are written on the map upon its state boundary, will give the student a picture to remember which will make his or her learning easy as pictures stay with us much longer than words.

US Map with State Abbreviations (US Map with Abbreviations )

us map with abbreviation


It’s all about smart learning nowadays, so upgrade your learning with our US map with state abbreviations templates. Not only the abbreviations are written within the state boundaries but also different colors are used to represent different states. In this way, the students can associate the state with a color which can make their learning fun, interesting, and easy. All these factors work positively on the students’ minds and make them sharp. 

US Map Abbreviations

us map abbreviations


You can also print the US state abbreviations map and hang it in front of their study table, in this way, unconsciously, they will look at the map of the USA with abbreviations whenever they sit there to do their work. This way, the students will not feel too burdensome for remembering the abbreviations.

USA Abbreviations on Map

us abbreviations maps


You can also use these maps of USA abbreviations to do quizzes among the students. Get the blank maps from us and let the students fill them in. It is a fun way of learning and playing. You can get many other types of Printable USA  abbreviation maps PDF from here. Download them or save them in your browser and share them with whoever you want. These maps not only be used by the students but others can use them as well, for example, for any statistical or research purposes.

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