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Racial Map of US | Printable Racial Map of USA

Racial Map of US: The United States is a nation made up of many different races and ethnicities. The racial map of the United States is a visual representation of this diversity. The map identifies the different race groups that makeup America, as well as where they are located geographically.

Racial Map of US

Racial Map of US


The racial map was created by University of Minnesota professor Gerald Horne in 1978. It uses data from the 1970 Census to create its maps. Each dot on the map represents 100 people, and the colors indicate the race or ethnicity of those people: blue for white people, yellow for black people, green for American Indians, red for Asian Americans, and brown for those who identify themselves with some other race.

Racial Map of US


The racial map of the USA is quite diverse. The majority of people living in the US are white, but there are large populations of people from different races and ethnicities. There are also several minority groups living in the US, including black, Latino, Asian, Native American, and Pacific Islander. In terms of percentage of the population, whites make up the biggest group on the racial map at nearly 78%. People from other races and ethnicities make up the rest of the population.

States with a Majority-Minority Population: List the states with a majority-minority population.

US Racial Dot Map

US Racial Dot Map


There are 21 states in the United States with a majority-minority population. This means that over 50% of the population in these states is made up of people who identify as something other than white and/or straight. Some of the most diverse states in the country are located in this group, including California, Texas, and New York. These states are often home to large populations of immigrants and refugees, as well as people of color who have been living in the United States for generations.

US Racial Dot Map


While each state is unique, some general trends can be seen across the majority-minority states. For example, many of these states have a large immigrant population, which means that there is a lot of diversity represented within those populations.

US Racial Dot Map


Additionally, many of these states have large African American and Latino communities, which means that they also have a lot to offer when it comes to cultural experiences and businesses. States with a Minorities Majority Population: List the states with a minority-majority population.

Racial Map of USA

Racial Map of USA


The racial map of the United States is diverse, and this diversity is evident in the way people are grouped on the map. The following are 8 key points to consider when examining the racial makeup of the United States:

1. Whites make up the majority of the population in the United States (approximately 61% in 2015). This percentage has been relatively stable over time, but there has been a significant increase in non-white residents (particularly Hispanics) since 1990.

2. The South and West have a larger percentage of non-white residents than other regions of the country. In 2015, 38% of residents living in the South were non-white, compared to only 15% living in the Northeast and 25% living in Midwest.

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