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Flat Earth Map | Map of Earth Flattened [Theory Map]

Flat Earth Map: The concept of a Flat Earth Map has been a topic of interest and controversy among various communities around the world. According to the proponents of this theory, the Earth is not a spherical planet but rather a flat disc. The Flat Earth Map attempts to illustrate their beliefs by depicting the Earth as a flat surface, with the North Pole at the center and the continents spread outwards towards the edges.

Flat Earth Map

A Flat Map of Earth is a representation of our planet that diverges from the conventional understanding of Earth as a spherical object. Instead, it portrays the Earth as a flat surface, often resembling a disc or plane.

Map of Flat Earth


The Flat Earth theory has around since ancient Greece and gained popularity in the 19th century. It claims that the earth not a rotating sphere but a flat disk with the North Pole at its center and an ice wall surrounding it. Despite overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary, this theory still persists today and has even gained traction on social media platforms.

Flat Earthers often use their own map of the world, which shows a circular disk divided into two hemispheres with Antarctica as an outer boundary. This map portrays continents as much larger than they in reality and distorts perspective. It also does not account for the curvature of the earth’s surface or explain phenomena such as gravity and seasons. Despite its lack of credibility, Flat Earth belief continues to spread online through various communities, podcasts, and YouTube channels.

One of the most commonly cited versions of the Flat Earth Map known as the “Azimuthal Equidistant Projection” or the “AE Map.” It portrays the Earth as a circular plane with the North Pole as the focal point. In this map, the equator depicted as a concentric circle around the edge of the disc, and the continents arranged in a way that they radiate outwards from the center. Check out other related maps:- Labeled World Map, High Resolution US Map.

Map of Flat Earth

A World Map Flat Earth is an alternative representation of the Earth that departs from the commonly accepted spherical model. Proponents of the Flat Earth Theory have created and circulated their versions of the World Map, which portrays the Earth as a flat disc or plane.

A Map of Flat Earth is a graphical representation that attempts to illustrate the concept of a flat Earth as believed by proponents of the Flat Earth Theory. Unlike traditional maps that depict the Earth as a spherical planet, a Flat Earth Map portrays the Earth as a flat disc or plane.

Flat Map of Earth


While there is no scientific basis for a flat Earth, some proponents of the Flat Earth Theory have created and circulated Flat Maps of Earth to align with their beliefs. These maps typically position the North Pole at the center and depict the continents spreading outwards towards the edges. They may also include representations of the equator and other lines of latitude and longitude.

In a Map of Flat Earth, the North Pole typically positioned at the center, while the continents depicted as spreading outwards towards the edges. Some versions of the map feature concentric circles representing the equator and other lines of latitude and longitude. The purpose of such maps to provide a visual representation of the Flat Earth Theory and support the claims made by its proponents.

However, it’s crucial to emphasize that the overwhelming scientific consensus firmly supports the understanding that the Earth an oblate spheroid. Countless scientific experiments, observations, and satellite imagery have conclusively demonstrated the curvature and spherical nature of our planet.

Flat Earther Map

In a Flat Earth Theory Map, the North Pole typically depicted at the center, and the continents radiate outwards towards the edges. This portrayal deviates significantly from the widely accepted spherical representation of the Earth. The map may also include additional elements, such as concentric circles representing latitude and longitude lines, to provide a framework for navigation based on the Flat Earth Theory.

flat earth map


A Flat Earther Map is a visual depiction that aligns with the beliefs held by individuals who subscribe to the Flat Earth Theory. According to proponents of this theory, the Earth not a spherical planet but instead a flat disc. These maps aim to represent their unique perspective on the Earth’s shape and layout.

In a typical Flat Earther Map, the North Pole is positioned at the center, with the continents radiating outwards towards the edges. Some variations of the map may incorporate elements like concentric circles for latitude and longitude, attempting to provide a framework for navigation and orientation.

Flat Earther Map


The mention of a “Flat Earth Map 1587” seems to imply a specific map related to the Flat Earth Theory that created or referenced in the year 1587. However, it is crucial to note that the Flat Earth Theory as we understand it today gained popularity much later, and the scientific consensus had already established the Earth’s spherical shape by that time.

Map of Earth Flattened

While proponents of the Flat Earth Theory argue for the existence of a Real Flat Earth Map, their claims lack scientific support and contradict vast amounts of evidence. Scientific experiments, observations, satellite imagery, and centuries of exploration have consistently demonstrated the Earth’s spherical shape.

World Map Flat Earth


The concept of a Map of Earth Flattened refers to a representation of the Earth that has been altered to remove the curvature associated with its spherical shape. While the Earth indeed a spheroid, certain projections and maps attempt to approximate its features on a two-dimensional surface.

One example of a map projection that can considered a Map of Earth Flattened the Mercator projection. The Mercator projection a cylindrical map projection that distorts the size of objects as they move away from the equator, resulting in an exaggeration of landmasses near the poles. This projection provides a rectangular representation of the Earth, but it does not accurately depict the true sizes and shapes of continents and countries.

It’s crucial to understand that while map projections like the Mercator useful for certain purposes, they not accurate representations of the Earth’s actual shape and proportions. To truly comprehend the Earth’s features, necessary to consider three-dimensional models or utilize alternative map projections that minimize distortion.

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